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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Four Mcd Kitty Collection

Hahaha,now that excited mood still not yet calm down.You sure curious about what can make me so excited?Actually it's not a big deal but for me that is enough to me happy for a long time.Alright I know I should tell you all what is going on? Actually I'm a Hello Kitty freak and also love to make some Kitty stuff collection.As everybody know,recently Mcd had launched a series of Kitty dolls.Needless to say as a fan of Kitty,I sure will craving for.So I request to my boyfie and he is rejected me too :(

Here is our conversation :

Me:Bii,you see your friend's boyfie grab the Mcd Kitty for her I want too,can I?
Boyfie:Lol,can don't?So wasted money and your bed also nothing place to put d.
Me:Yer!!But that really cute mah!! :(
Boyfie:Don't lah!Wasted money only!!!

After that I also no longer ask him to buy d.Until last night,he called me into the room and then he said he want hug hug.*Lol!!Then I also didn't feel any inappropriate.Suddenly I saw an ant climbed on his pillow and I tell my boyfie too:"Bii,your pillow got ant leh!" and he asked me "where?"Then I also answered him "neh..here lah (And I take away his pillow)You know what I saw??Hohoho,4 kity is there.Omg!!Really can't believe it!!
 In fact,I'm really feel surprised of it.Cause I never know that he really will bought that for me.And as I know he is because of the Kitty so going to craving two times of the fast food.If you know him well you will know he is a person not like to eat  fast food.So he can because of want to collect the Kitty for me and he went to eat the food that he doesn't like.So you can imagine this is how I'm touched by.

He really a man in chinese say “刀子嘴,豆腐心”.But really appreciate the love that he given to me,I really can feel it.Anything that I wanted he will try his hard to get it to me.So he is always give me the best thing in the world.He know me love surprise so he make it for me.Oh no!!!You always my sweety babyboy!!Love you much!!!
Lastly,once again!!Thank you baby everything that you did to me.I'm really appreciates!!Thank god let me met you in my life,really feel glad to got you!!Love you baby.

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