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Sunday, October 28, 2012


It's such a nice movie.It make my tears drop non-stop in the end-part,OMG!!If you know me,you may know I'm not a girl easy to drop my tears because of watching movie.But this movie really freaking touching man!!!And actually I will feel like watching also because of Angelababy and 赵又廷.Hehehehe XD

As everybody know both of them are damn pretty and handsome!!!Especially angelababy,she are goddess of the boys.My boyfie is also no exception ==''.It is absolutely can forgive because I'm as a girl I also really admired her looks.

If you also feel interested to watching this movie,just watching here.I have shared the link of the video and some soundtrack here,hope you all enjoy it.

Click the link to watch it =D  >>>>>;第一次-Angelababy & 赵又廷

After watching don't forget to click my nuffnang o,thanks =)

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