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Monday, June 3, 2013

Clubbing night♥Butter Factory

Lol,gonna blog about my first clubbing night here.This is absolutely no plan before,sudden there comes a call "Tonight clubbing"then we also set off.

Outfit of the day-- Dress:H&M

 Ugly till the max

Some of us are still getting our first time in club so we feel like want to get some experience.In fact,we all are want to meet up for Jeena.If you had watching 喜爱夜浦 before,I think you should know this pretties seriously.

Guess who?It's DJ Jeena in the house.

She really look sweet and pretty.But quite wasted,as a VIP we can't take photo with her cause some of our friends are getting drunk already,agrhh!!Missed the chances!!!We all get high all the night.It's a such memorable night,cause some drunk like hell and it's really brings us a lot of memory and fun.But clubbing life really not suitable for often,cause it's really tired.

Coincidentally,that night is a theme night---Pajamas.But not one clubber dress code are match with it.Lol!!Lastly have to thanks Edi invite us to the club and pay for the fees.Appreciates

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