♥Welcome to BabyzShermin.com.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Hey readers,finally I'm back to blogging here again.After I work at Oriental,I know I'm quite long time didn't update my blog.Not because of lazy just I'm freaking tired after I finished the work.Actually my life is quite pack,my time almost gone with my job.But no way,I have to earn money to cover my own living expenses.Beside that,I'm a shopaholic so I need to earn a lot to satisfied myself when I feel like shopping.(P/S:But too bad I had earned not much but my wanted list is much than what I had earned. Some more I can't without branded in my life.Fortunately,the branded that I like still in the range that I can afford.)

Hmm,no idea what I gonna blog about.So just stop blogging here.Sigh,gonna off to work soon.Stay tuned for my next post.*****If possible I will do a song cover---Alin-幸福了然后

Now listen Alin verson first kay?Bye :)

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