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Friday, December 21, 2012


Hello all the readers,I'm here blogging again.Just left few day only,Christmas is around you and me.So how about your planing for that day?Start to think of how to crazy celebrate this BIG FUN DAY??For me,if not mistaken I will attend a Christmas party which organized by my friend in Pavilion.Actually I'm quite excited,cause this is my first year and also first time to celebrate Christmas with all of the friend.So I think it may be an unforgettable memories for me.

Although the distance Christmas there for several days,for now I'm already start to planning what to wear for the party.And for the session of the event:Exchange Present is the session I'm most looking forward,cause it's quite fun and full of surprising.Hope they will satisfied with the present that I had prepared to them.

P/S:Sorry for sharing the blur photo here.Will consider to bought a good pixel camera.

P/S:Actually,I like the aroma candles so much!!Curious about who will be the lucky person to drawn this present that prepared by me???

At last still have to wishing you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,if the world still never end XD. Don't forget to have a blast on that day :)

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