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Friday, September 9, 2011


I smurfs you !!
Oh my smurfs! !!

????Why i talking about an alien language?

Nonono!!If you are still not understand what i said ,that means you are completely out-dated.Okay,back to the topic.I so crazy to the Smurfs because i have watching this movie by last Sunday.

Sing A Happy song....Lalalalalalalalalalalala XD

Another thing i want to share is .......Deng deng deng deng.Hahaha,PigPig猪.If you have watched 花花世界花家姐,you sure know what is that lah?Haha,my sis had bought the whole set of PigPig猪 during her KL trip.Wow,they really cute but they are expensive also.

Which one i should take out and put in my car? Then i can stick it in my car window,cute right?Hahaha,but i worried about it will too big.Teheee.

Laughing哥 gonna finale,i'm await to the ending story.It will be happy ending or bad ending?Who knows?

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