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Saturday, September 17, 2011


That day both of us are very bad in temper.Actually we are decided to watch Johnny English or Nasi Lemak 2.0,but this two movies are already sold out.x_x crying.In the case of no selection,so we only can choose The Kingdom but the movie is showing at 4.30,so we have to wait almost another 4hours.OMG 0~0''

After buying the tickets, we both began to feel regret.Within this 4hours,what can we doing?No idea for it!!!So we are decided go to Clinic Cafe to dine,since my hubby did't have a try before.

My Sampat face.><

He give an injection to the fried wan tan!!!Oh no!!!!

After the lunch,we went to Starbuck to have a coffee.Oh no,i have order a orange juice so not a coffee.Alamak!!!!==''We sit there chit chat chit chat,online....and doing whatever we want.
Took at Starbuck

The Kingdom

Hohoho!!!Finally 4 hours has passes.Fortunately, the movie still consider not bad.If not really..... Burn!!!Hahaha!!HAN GENG and Wu Zhun really enough handsome,but before i have watching the movie i already feel that both of them got a little bit look same.Do you feel that?Maybe you will get confuse to them.I guess*

Sleeply,gonna bed now.
Happy Saturday,bye.

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