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Sunday, June 23, 2013

600 day Anniversary With Ma Boy

Hello bloggers.I think I have neglected here a lot of time.I know I should blog more but no way I'm freaking tired after back from work.Promise will try my best to keep blogging kay?

Alright today gonna share about my 600 days anniversary with my dearest babyboy. Really time flies,both of us have been together for 600 days.Old-fashioned to say,how many lives can you spend 600 days with your partner?So I really feel glad can celebrate this big day with him 

 This is what I saw on my table when I'm coming back from work.Sweet!!!

Really really appreciates the love they he gave to me.I received the next surprise from him again.Guess what?I never thought that he really sent me the limited edition hello kitty to me.As I know it's hard to get them since  it's from other country Mcd.So I really no idea where he get them?By the way,I'm very appreciates his affection to me.This really lovely and sweet enough!!So I love him max!!!

Okay fine back to the celebrate part.Both of had decide went to Fish & Co to having our celebration.This is our first time be there.The food evaluate I only can give them 3 star cause it's really out of my expected good.

See what we had ordered:

I love their mashed potato max!! 

Their sea-food not really fresh.

Big cup of Milo.Never try before. 

Sweet fruit juice.The waitress recommend to me.It's quite nice.

After the great dinner,we off to meet our friends in gsc and having our movie time.That also my first time watched movie at Pavillion cinema.We more like enjoy our time in cinema with western film,so this time we have the same choice----After Earth.It's a great movie too but can't compare with Fast and Furious 6.

After the movie,we also ended our day.

Once again,happy 600 days anniversary to ma boy.You always the great man in my heart and no one can replace you.Love you forever

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