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Sunday, December 23, 2012


I had a happy Sunday with my boy just now.Why am I so happy?If you had followed my twitter,you may know I wish to get a high heel since from last month and finally I got it just now from Festival City Mall.

He feel shy?LOL =D

Hahahahaha,really mad love with it.Other than that,me and my boy also bought a lot from there.And actually what we had bought that is not a main point to listed out lah!!Can going to shopping is quite happy to me,cause we are not often people going to shopping and usually will make it once time in a month.

Today got myself a black colour high hell from SUMMIT SHOE and KITCHEN white colour singlet.Agrh!!It's really hard to control when there are a lot of sale in around.Especially when I enter to the SUMMIT SHOE,there are a lot of pretties shoe and high heel could attract me.If not because of tomorrow's X'mas party,I sure will grab another pair of shoe.(P/S:Save money for  X'mas party expenses,lol)

Wohoo,X'mas is around to the corner.Are you ready to dressing yourself to attend a X'mas party?Hahaha,for me I'm ready to have a fun for tomorrow night.Let's count down to welcoming this big day together.

Stay tuned for my X'mas post :)


  1. wishing u merry Xmas!!!! <3 <3
    cant wait to check out ur xmas post ^^

  2. Merry Christmas to you too,thank you for your support!!
    Will do more nice post =]
