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Sunday, December 2, 2012



Just having a birthday celebration yesterday night and we had make it at Sunway Giza DaoRae BBQ Restraurant,I'm quite excited cause it is my first time to try korea food.Buy too bad,I'm not really like it.Maybe this restaurant food not really nice and it is  just consider as "branded korea food restaurant" only,hahahaha XD.

Let's see what we had ordered:

The famous chicken soup ,
the menu is told us that is 人生鸡汤 but I didn't feel any ginseng taste also.

Before the BBQ, this is the korea side dish.Thumn up!!

 Pork fried rice,it is damn nice.

And this is the most I can't accept the taste.So in the end,I just eat few mouth only.Caller as 韩式冷拌面

But in that night,we really have an awesome birthday celebration.Wishing the birthday guy happy birthday and all the best in everything of his life.
Hahaha,the next celebration will be on X'mas and new year!!There are fully celebration on this December,this is also the only reason why I make December as my lovely month.I promise myself wanna give him a awesome x'mas celebration with him in this year,still thinking what should I gift him.Hmmm,any good suggestion? Really can't wait for the party day!!!Time please pass flies.

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